OUTWARD MOBILITY OF TEACHERS- second erasmus+ week in Sophia

Second Erasmus+ International Teaching and Training Week” was held from 18th till 21st March 2019 in Sophia, Bulgaria, and was hosted by the International Business School. Few of our employees participated in the aforementioned week, namely Marijana Špoljarić, mag.educ.math.et inf. and dr.sc. Zrinka Blažević Bognar. They gave lectures to the local students and participated in a series of workshops with their colleagues from numerous countries: Greece, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Macedonia…

                The purpose of the International week was to offer an opportunity to employees of colleges to exchange and discuss common problems and experiences in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship in education and business. A four-day programme of workshops and meetings was held. Lectures from the field of economy, tourism, management, and mathematics were held concurrently.

                This international week of learning and training was directed towards strengthening international cooperation and partnership, as well as being an excellent opportunity for making new connections and meeting new colleges, cities, countries and cultures.

Virovitica College

2019-03-28T12:01:33+01:0026.03.2019|Erasmus, News|
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