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Journal “ET²eR – Economics, Tourism, Telecommunications, and Computing” Included in ERIH PLUS Database

29.06.2024|Comments Off on Journal “ET²eR – Economics, Tourism, Telecommunications, and Computing” Included in ERIH PLUS Database

The journal "ET²eR – Economics, Tourism, Telecommunications, and Computing," published biannually by the Virovitica University of Applied Sciences, has been included in the ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities) database, classifying it as [...]

Erasmus+ Outgoing Staff Mobility to Spain

25.06.2024|Comments Off on Erasmus+ Outgoing Staff Mobility to Spain

As part of the Erasmus+ international mobility program for teaching and non-teaching staff, Professor Ivana Vidak Teskera and Student Services Officer Marina Čordašev participated in the 27th STP STAFF WEEK VALENCIA: LANGUAGES & IT TRAINING [...]

Guest Lecture Held: Cyber Attacks: Lessons for Tomorrow’s Security

07.06.2024|Comments Off on Guest Lecture Held: Cyber Attacks: Lessons for Tomorrow’s Security

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, cybersecurity consultant Marko Gulan delivered a guest lecture on "Cyber Attacks: Lessons for Tomorrow's Security" for students and faculty at the Virovitica University of Applied Sciences. The lecture addressed various [...]

Invitation to Guest Lecture: Cyber Attacks: Lessons for Tomorrow’s Security

03.06.2024|Comments Off on Invitation to Guest Lecture: Cyber Attacks: Lessons for Tomorrow’s Security

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in Room 1-05, cybersecurity consultant Marko Gulan will deliver a lecture on the topic "Cyber Attacks: Lessons for Tomorrow's Security." Marko Gulan began his career at Microsoft [...]


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