Cloud Computing IT Systems


Course informations

Study program level Undergraduate
Study program Electrical Engineering
Study program direction Telecommunications and informatics
Course year 2.
Course semester IV
Course status Core
Lectures (h) 30
Excercises (h) 30
Seminars (h) -

Course objectives

The student needs to know well the cloud computing paradigm and the basic models that are based on the cloud. He/she must be able to estimate rental costs vs. building their own infrastructure and knowing the parameters that are important for both users and service providers. Students will recognize the technical and economic benefits of using computer clouds and be able to recommend an almost finished cloud solution as needed.

Course outcomes

  • Explain the cloud computing paradigm.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different business models based on computing in the cloud.
  • Give examples of the role of computing participants in the cloud.
  • Provide mathematical cost calculation models.

Course content

What it means to be in the "cloud"- definition of terms. Overview of cloud computing services business models, comparison of advantages and disadvantages when using:
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Cloud computing model overview: public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. The roles of computing computers in the cloud: provider Vs. user services. Mathematical models for calculating the cost of renting the clouds or purchasing your own resources. Techno-economic analysis. Security of computer systems in the cloud. Applications in the cloud infrastructure versus applications in Internet browsers.  
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