Smjer Enterpreneurship, predmet Consumer Behavior

Course title Consumer Behavior
Study program Undergraduate Professional Study of Enterpreneurship – main field: Enterpreneurship of Services
Course status Elective
Year of study Third year, fifth semester
ECTS (Number of credits allocated) 3
Total lesson hours per semester 30L+15S
Course Objectives
The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of consumer behavior as well as fundamental psychological and social concepts that determine consumer behavior.
Learning outcomes
Define consumer behavior as a scientific discipline

• Analyze the impact of consumers on the expansion of innovations

• Define the basis for market segmentation

• Analyze consumer motivation and perception

Course content
Consumer behavior as a scientific discipline. Consumer survey. Foundations for market segmentation. Consumer motivation. Consumer perception. Consumer learning. Creating and changing consumer attitudes. Communication and consumer behavior. Reference groups and family influences. Social class and consumer behavior. Influence of culture on consumer behavior. Subculture and consumer behavior. Intercultural behavior of consumers. Influence of consumers and dissemination of innovation. Making consumer decisions. Developing relationships with consumers. Customer relationship management implementation process.
Types of classes

·         lectures,

·         discussions,

·         simulations


·         Preparation, creation and defense of the seminar paper.

Evaluation and assessment of the students’ work in the class and final exam
The student’s acquired knowledge is evaluated during classes by participating in the formation of exercises. The final grade of student knowledge is formed in the oral exam as a common grade: student activity in the lectures, assessment of exercises, assessment of midterm exams and assessment of the written and oral part of the exam. If a student is absent from more than 30% of classes, he loses all points pertaining to the final grade.